KONVIVIÁLIS articsóka - EMLÉKEZETES ASZTALI VIGASSÁGOK BARÁTOKKAL - ÉS ANNÁL TÖBB// CONVIVIAL artichoke - feasts at the table, closely woven
visit friends' garden to complement home grown artichokes with freshly picked fava, snap peas, garlic
long prep, wash, remove small bugs, clean leaf by leaf, how many leaves?
very tender and intimate touch, opening the petals
prep stuffing - two kinds - one gluten free
crumbs from sourdough with einkorn, whole wheat, spelt, linseed and oat ersatz (leftover from home-made oat 'milk') toasted in olive oil, add chopped garlic, salt
get more herbs
chop, add - tarragon, thyme, lovage. adjust taste
tea is ready
toast with friend's wine
smell the potent malt drying
fill the half artichoke heads between the petals, place in pot with friendly olive oil, add herbs, garlic stalk ribbons - a deluxe accessoir
drink tea
cover the artichokes with some water and more olive oil, herbs and lemon juice
cook till almost tender, then add fava, later cooked chick peas, snap peas
eat petal by petal
till you get to the heart
a seaside meal
(this meal was cooked with what was on hand, therefore smaller quantity of some ingredients (fava) but more diversity - chick peas for more nourishment. many other variations are possible)
this is what I call convivial. in other words embedded. (See earlier blogpost announcing exhibition at Terrapolis https://terrapolistarcal.blogspot.com/2022/02/terrapolis-bubajos-hetvegen-aprilis-29.html and
and this is how I sketched it a while ago, after another friendly, entangled, more-than ..... convivial meal
Raúl Matta visited Terrapolis in the early summer and was very happy to discover this drawing since he researches exactly this topic. He asked to use it for his article: Towards Convivial Foodscapes
Some of the ideas I can fully relate to:
"Conviviality encompasses principles of equity, interdependence, mutual respect for one another and the natural world, and the assumption of joint responsibility for the ways in which we live and engage. This implicates cultivating human attention and wisdom to “correspond” with other beings36. Correspondence here denotes “the process by which beings or things literally answer to one another over time” not in the desire to know more about the other beings or things, “but to become better acquainted with” them and get along together37. In this view, conviviality postulates that “to be is always to be-with”.
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